Why We’re Different

Discover the top 10 reasons why we’re the passenger announcements partner of choice for airports and airlines around the world.

1 – The Highest Quality Passenger Announcements Available

AviaVox passenger announcements are clear, intelligible, and consistent, and can’t be distinguished from human speakers. They’re also available in 35+ native languages and dialects. That’s why passengers notice our announcements, understand them, and comply with them. It also means that passenger stress is significantly reduced.

2 – Designed To Improve Your Business Performance

AviaVox helps improve passenger flow throughout the airport – especially at customs, security and the gate. That means fewer missed flights, fewer delays, and less costly offloading of luggage. On-time departures improve your brand image, cut complaints, and mitigate the risk of sanctions. Agent headcounts can be reduced, or staff redeployed to more valuable work. Operating costs decrease, but revenues increase because relaxed passengers spend more time in retail and hospitality outlets. More in What We Do.

3 – Airports & Airlines Are Our Sole Focus

Since AviaVox was formed in 2003, we’ve specialized in aviation. We don’t work in any other industry, and our solutions are all about passenger announcements. This level of specialism means we have an extraordinarily deep and broad understanding of airport and airline operations and requirements. We continually track legislation and regulation, and help to define best practice in our area.

4 – Built With Artificial Intelligence

Our superior technology uses real human voices in multiple languages, but we splice the words into many thousands of digital speech fragments which are then reengineered to deliver a vast range of announcements. AI controls the construction of words, syntax and grammar, so announcements are always 100% correct – taking into account linguistic, social and cultural conventions.

5 – Solutions For Terminals, Gates And Off-Airport

Our modular approach allows you to deploy as many AviaVox products as you wish. ATeC works across your terminal building/s, while AGC is for use at the gates. LiveCall lets agents record, adjust, and then broadcast ad hoc announcements. FIDS Export will display the exact text of any PA call on your FIDS or a mobile app. And FlexiVox lets you make the real-time passenger announcements off-airport; for example, on transportation systems or at remote check-in locations.

6 – Supports Your Compliance Requirements

Airport and airlines face many challenges on a daily basis – around safety, departure slots, gate occupancy allocations, aircraft turnaround times, and much more. AviaVox products will help you achieve all kinds of compliance: your own KPIs, your insurers’ requirements, and regulatory and legislative demands. And that will help you to avoid sanctions and negative reputational impacts.

7 – Can Help You Deliver A ‘Silent Airport’

Adopting a silent airport policy means making smarter passenger announcements, so it seems like there are fewer. The goal is to calm the ambience, improve passenger flow, reduce complaints, and maintain safety. Our silent airports white paper explains how to implement the policy, and why AviaVox products provide the optimum solution.

8 – Built To Integrate With Other Technology

Our software will work with virtually any PA system, including legacy analogue hardware. It takes flight data in real time directly from the AODB, so within milliseconds it can convert flight-related changes to passenger announcements in the required language/s. Our systems can also integrate with the FIDS and even the baggage information display system, mobile apps, information kiosks, PABX, and loop systems. More about integration.

9 – Priced To Make Your Life Easier

Our modular pricing model relies primarily on opex rather than capex, helping you to budget, specify and procure while relying on predictable costs. Prices are tailored carefully to your own requirements, so you only pay for what you need.

10 – Our Customer Service Is Outstanding

You can be reassured that we take our service levels very seriously. When it comes to pre-sales, installation, training, support and development, you’ll find us helpful, flexible, and always willing to go the extra mile. Cloud-based technology means your software is always well-maintained and up to date, too.

Talk To Us About Why We’re Different

Robert Hazeleger

Feel free to reach out to Robert to discuss our solutions for airports.